Devoted to our students’ growth in a healthy, inclusive, and intriguing learning environment.
About Us
HopeTree Academy, a private day school in Salem, Virginia, provides a safe and secure educational environment where students with unique educational needs, often at-risk and in-crisis, grow emotionally and socially, develop academic and job skills while connecting with vital resources.
For Parents
Your child has needs that must be met in order to maximize their academic success, but some students require more than the typical secondary school can reasonably provide.
HopeTree Academy was designed from the ground up to meet these needs.
From a facility design that includes one-on-one areas and the latest in vocational equipment to a staff that includes experienced teachers, behavior support specialists, social workers, clinical services, and clinical, mental health counseling to include a variety of services, substance use, depression, trauma, and various other health challenges. HopeTree Academy is focused on helping your child maximize his or her potential.
For Case Managers
HopeTree Academy is a fully-accredited special education facility located in Salem, Virginia, that is designed to meet the needs of over-aged or significantly underachieving students. For students who are not thriving in a public school setting, HopeTree Academy is often the perfect placement.
Students entering HopeTree Academy – including students with identified disabilities- are typically performing one and a half to two grade levels behind their peers. With HopeTree’s two-semester program and ample remedial opportunities, a student can complete the diploma requirements mandated by the Virginia Department of Education.
Students who are not thriving in traditional education settings may also benefit from HopeTree Academy’s small class sizes and a low student-staff ratio. In addition to experienced teachers and in-class behavior supports, the HopeTree campus is also home to licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and psychiatric and substance use counselors.
HopeTree Academy routinely works with a variety of school districts and departments of social services throughout Virginia, including:
- Alleghany/Covington
- Augusta County
- Botetourt County
- Buchanan County
- Carroll County
- Danville City
- Franklin County
- Grayson County
- Harrisonburg/Rockingham County
- Pittsylvania County
- Pulaski County
- Roanoke City
- Roanoke County
- Salem City
- Surrounding Areas
To make a referral:
(877) 859-1002
Prospective Students
Nestled in the heart of the beautiful Roanoke Valley, HopeTree Academy is located on the campus of HopeTree Family Services. Education has been an integral part of the HopeTree Family Services mission since its founding in 1890. The current HopeTree Academy facility was purpose-built in 2009 and designed from the ground up with learning disabilities and other challenges in mind.
With a proven track record of success, HopeTree Academy is the perfect fit for many students – but the best way to be sure is to schedule a visit and see for yourself. Contact the school at 540-389-4941 to schedule a tour of our facility, meet with faculty, and get to know us.
Our Philosophy
Our program strives to provide a positive learning environment that maximizes individual student success through a low teacher to student ratio. We do not discriminate against a person’s race, color, sex, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes, and/or sexual preference for admission. Any form of derogatory or inflammatory verbal/ nonverbal messages is not tolerated at HopeTree Academy.
HopeTree Academy is one of the most unique, complex, and successful specialized schools in Virginia. It offers residential and day-school services to a wide cross-section of alternative and special education students throughout the Roanoke Valley and the Commonwealth.
HopeTree Academy is licensed by the Virginia Department of Education to serve grades 7-12, day and residential students, including students with special needs for their specific learning disability, emotional disability, speech and language, higher functioning autism, or other health impairment.
HopeTree Academy’s education program is individualized and accelerated. The average HopeTree Academy student enters the school performing one and a half to two grade levels behind their chronological aged peers. HopeTree Academy students who are enrolled in our two semester program may have the opportunity to earn additional credits per academic calendar year.
Each HopeTree Academy student also benefits from in-classroom behavior support specialists, licensed social workers, and on-campus licensed professional counselors.
Student Expectations
At HopeTree Academy, students are expected to adhere to positive work habits, social skills, and life values.
These qualities were gleaned from interviews with real-world workplace supervisors, and are clustered into three “Power Tools” for students. They serve as the basis of HopeTree Academy’s Student Management System. Students are evaluated each class period on how well they adhere to each of these “Power Tools.” HopeTree Academy’s Student Management System also defines the student’s class participation grade in every course they take.
Individualized Approach
HopeTree Academy is a comprehensive secondary education institution that:
- Features a low student teacher ratio
- Stimulates intellectual curiosity
- Develops personal integrity
- Fosters respect for individual differences
- Emphasizes high standards for student achievement, behavior, and career development
The Academy serves students who require a special education school in order to succeed. The staff at HopeTree Academy provides an opportunity for students to develop skills which will allow them to become responsible citizens as well as capable, employable adults. Through agreements with the community, HopeTree Academy students have access to job training in a variety of career fields.
Available Diplomas
There are a variety of high school diploma options available to secondary students enrolled in HopeTree Academy including:
- Advanced Studies Diploma (Public School) – 8VAC20-131-50-C
- Standard Diploma (Public School) – 8VAC20-131-50-B
- Applied Studies Diploma (Public School) – 8VAC20-131-50-G
- HopeTree Academy Standard Diploma (Private School)
One of the unique aspects of HopeTree Academy is its flexibility in admitting new students. For many schools, a new student entering the classroom mid-year can be challenging for the student, as well as disruptive for the rest of the class. HopeTree Academy’s educational program was designed to help students who may be entering the school mid-year get off to a good start, and get up to speed as quickly as possible.
In order to maximize the potential for your student’s success, please review the Tuition and Enrollment Process tabs below, then contact us to get started.
Tuition Information
Funding for HopeTree Academy students comes from a variety of sources, and every case is unique. For departments of social services and school systems, a standard rate schedule is available. For parents wishing to privately enroll their child at HopeTree Academy, rates depend on the services required. While privately placed students will be billed at the same rate as publicly placed students with similar needs, HopeTree Academy is able to offer tuition assistance based on family income and/or debt obligations.
HopeTree Family Services provides classroom textbooks, supplies, materials, and field trip expenses for all students at HopeTree Academy.
Students that attend HopeTree Academy are encouraged to eat breakfast and lunch in the HopeTree Academy dining hall at no cost to the student.
Enrollment Process
The HopeTree Academy Admission Committee Meeting is held. If the Admission Committee recommends that the youth is acceptable for enrollment at HopeTree Academy, additional placement documents and agreements will be signed by the student, parent/legal guardian and agency representative after the meeting. Once receiving all the documentation, the HopeTree Academy Student Support Specialist will review it for completeness and appropriateness.
Step 1 – Complete the Admission Application to HopeTree Academy (click to download)
Step 2 – Collect the following current or most recent documents on the student:
- E.P. or Section 504 Plan
- Behavior Intervention Plan/Functional Behavioral Assessment
- Eligibility Components
- Transcript and Report Cards for Grades 6 to the present
- Standardized and S.O.L. Testing for Grades 5 to the present
- Psychological Evaluation
- Educational Assessment
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Discipline Records for Current and Previous School Years
- Copy of Insurance Card
- Physical/Medical Information Records as well as Immunization Records
- Physical Examination
- Physical, Occupational, Speech and/or Counseling Report(s)
- Most recent class schedule
- Available discharge summaries
Step 3 – Mail or deliver all of the above to:
HopeTree Academy
c/o HopeTree Family Services
PO Box 849
Salem, VA 24153
Student Support Specialist: Bryant Taylor
(540) 389-4941 Ext. 2290
Step 4 – Once receiving all the documentation, the HopeTree Academy Social Worker will review it for completeness and appropriateness.
Step 5 – A HopeTree Academy Admission Committee Meeting is scheduled involving the following:
- Youth applying for enrollment
- Parent/Legal Guardian
- HTFS Education Director or designee
- HopeTree Academy Student Support Specialist
Approximately 30-45 minutes prior to the Admission Committee Meeting, the HopeTree Academy Social Worker will coordinate a tour by the applying student of HopeTree Academy and the HopeTree campus.
Step 6 – The HopeTree Academy Admission Committee Meeting is held. If the Admission Committee recommends that the youth is acceptable for enrollment at HopeTree Academy, additional placement documents and agreements will be signed by the student, parent/legal guardian and agency representative after the meeting.
Step 7 – An enrollment date and time is mutually determined by all parties after an IEP meeting has convened to reflect appropriate private day placement services.
Step 8 – Within the first 30-days of enrollment, the new HopeTree Academy student will receive an initial educational assessment by the Academy’s Education Assessment Coordinator and receive a psychological “risk” assessment by HopeTree Family Services’ clinical team. During or at the conclusion of this 30-day assessment period, HopeTree Academy reserves the right to convene an I.E.P. or I.S.D.P. meeting to review the youths’ appropriateness for placement at our school, and suggest other placements which would be better suited for him/her. HopeTree Academy staff may also hold an I.E.P. meeting to modify or change various educational and/or behavioral goals and strategies needed for the youth.
Throughout the youth’s placement at HopeTree Academy, ongoing communications will take place between HopeTree Academy Staff, HTFS counseling clinicians, parents/legal guardians, LEA and other agency representatives about the youth’s performance.
School tours are available upon request.